Category: Privacy

  • Join our first monthly MyPeriodDataIsMine! event on 21st May!

    We at MyPeriodDataIsMine! want to meet regularly with fellow privacy enthusiasts and newcomers to our community to share and exchange ideas or simply get to know each other. If in doubt whether it’s worth your time, get in touch with me on and I can answer your questions. Join our first online event on…

  • Our IndieGoGo campaign is live!

    You can now contribute to our IndieGoGo campaign and make this world a safer place for everyone who wants to use a period tracker! Your donations will pay for local encryption on your phone so that nobody can access your data even if they have your phone unlocked in their hands. Your generosity will also…

  • My Period Data Is Mine!

    Your personal data should be yours and yours only; especially if it as personal as your period data. I wouldn’t want my boss to know when I menstruate, just as I wouldn’t want to know when my neighbours have their periods. Each individual should own that information and control who they share it with and…